About Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention (CFTSI)


Dr. Rodriguez is a master trainer in Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention (CFTSI) with the Yale Child Study Center



The Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention (CFTSI) is a brief treatment for children and youth 7-18 years old, together with a parent or other caregiver.

CFTSI increases family support for children exposed to a potentially traumatic event. CFTSI helps enhance communication about the child’s symptoms and responses to the event, and teaches the family skills to manage the child’s negative reactions.

Implemented immediately following a potentially traumatic event or disclosure of physical or sexual abuse, CFTSI provides a seamless introduction to longer-term treatment and other mental health interventions.


Who can benefit from CFTSI?


CFTSI can help children who have been exposed to many different types of potentially traumatic events—whether exposure is a single event or chronic—including sexual abuse, physical abuse, domestic violence, community violence, rape, assault, or motor vehicle accidents.

CFTSI is meant to be implemented immediately following a potentially traumatic event or following disclosure of physical or sexual abuse.

CFTSI has been adapted for use with children in Foster Care.

CFTSI Treatment Goals

  • Reduce negative reactions or symptoms related to the upsetting event

  • Strengthen communication between caregiver and child to enhance emotional support

  • Teach and practice skills to help reduce trauma reactions

  • Help families address practical needs such as safety, legal issues or medical care

  • Assess whether the child needs longer-term treatment


CFTSI Fills a Gap

An evidence-based early intervention, CFTSI fills the gap between standardized acute interventions and evidence-based, longer-term treatments required to deal with enduring post-traumatic reactions.

CFTSI can work as a key addition to an agency’s menu of services:

  • Brief manualized treatment

  • Implemented immediately following a potentially traumatic event or after disclosure of physical or sexual abuse

  • Adaptable for a variety of settings, including those with briefer lengths of stay

  • Decreases post-traumatic stress reactions and onset of PTSD by strengthening communication and family support

  • Seamless introduction to longerterm treatment and other mental health interventions

Testimonials for Dr. Rodriguez